8/245 2014





▯ 一般セッション[個人発表(予定発表時間20分:発表15分、質疑5分)とセッション総合討論を予定]

@ 土壌水分観測(衛星・地上モニタリング、土壌水分リモートセンシング、データベース他)

A Drought-土壌水分-植生-気候変動

B 測定技術開発

C 物理モデルと数値解析 

D 凍土と土壌水/土壌水の物理・化学

E その他(土壌水分の関連研究)




開催期日: 2014    1129() 午前930分 - 午後530分(予定)

(情報交換会:午後6時 − 午後8時)


開催場所:キャンパスイノベーションセンター東京 広島大学東京オフイス会議室(408号室:4F)<JR山手線田町駅前、http://www.hiroshima-u.ac.jp/liaison/access/index.html


使用言語: 日本語/英語


参加費:無料 (発表者・共著者と大学院生・学部生)





[代表:開發一郎(広大)、小池俊雄(東大)、溝口 勝(東大)、田殿武雄(JAXA]


後援:水文・水資源学会(予定)、土壌物理学会(予定)、GEOSS AWCI Drought Working Group





発表申し込み締め切り:20141014日(火)  申し込み先:開發<E-mail: kaihotu@hiroshima-u.ac.jp







 開發一郎e-mail: kaihotu@hiroshima-u.ac.jp、電話082-424-6497, FAX:082-424-0758

     住所 〒739-8521 東広島市鏡山1-7-1 広島大学大学院総合科学研究科






Soil Moisture Workshop 2014

29(Saturday) November, Tokyo

The Soil Moisture Workshop 2014 will be held in the Campus Innovation Center Tokyo (http://www.hiroshima-u.ac.jp/liaison/access/index.html) on the 29th (Saturday) in November, 2014, Tokyo, Japan. This is the 7th workshop counted from 2008. Many scientists who are interested in soil moisture with the various academic backgrounds will be gathered to discuss some topics concerned with soil moisture, especially in Asia. This workshop is promoted by the executive committee of Soil Moisture Workshop 2014 in cooperation with Japan Society of Hydrology and Water Resources, GEOSS AWCI Drought Working Group, Japanese Society of Soil Physics, and Hiroshima University Tokyo Office.

Session themes:

    * Remote sensing of soil moisture
    * Development of measurement techniques of soil moisture
    * Applications of remote sensing data of soil moisture
    * Numerical and physical model studies of soil water movement
    * Physics and chemistry of soil moisture
    * Topics related to soil moisture

Deadline of Entry of Presentation: October 14, 2014

We will send you “Instruction2014”for submitting a paper with the attached file..

Deadline of Extended Abstracts: November 10, 2014

Please send me (Ichirow Kaihotsu) an entry sheet of the presentation (see below) by the 14th of October, 2014.  We will submit extended abstracts of papers less than 10 pages before the 10th of November 2014 following the instruction 2014 (will be sent after registration) and provide them at WS.  After WS, the workshop papers will be published as the proceedings of Soil Moisture Workshop 2014. The language of the workshop will be English and/or Japanese.

Executive Committee of Soil Moisture WS 2014
  Prof. Ichirow Kaihotsu (Hiorshima University)
  Prof. Toshio Koike (The University of Tokyo)
  Prof. Masaru Mizoguchi (The University of Tokyo)
  Dr. Takeo Tadono (JAXA)

For further information, please contact:
  Ichirow Kaihotsu, Chair
  Professor of Hydrology of Hiroshima University
  E-mail:kaihotu@hiroshima-u.ac.jp <mailto:kaihotu@hiroshima-u.ac.jp>






2014土壌水分WS講演申し込みフォーム(Entry sheet of Soil Moisture Workshop 2014:


[Please send this entry sheet to Kaihotsu kaihotu@hiroshima-u.ac.jp by e-Mail by October 14, 2014.]





所属(Affiliation)・住所(Physical Address)


 Eメール(e-Mail address)

 電話・FAX(Phone and FAX)




講演申し込み題目(Presentation title)









その他の連絡事項(Something to ask specially)