グループ調査2013 Group work 2013 (農学国際特論T/IPADS Case Studies)

  1. 10月11日(金) ガイダンス(班分け)
  2. 10月25日(金) 特別講義
  3. 12月27日(金) 仮報告書締切日 提出先:担当教員
  4. 1月9日(木) 報告書締切日 提出先:report@iai.ga.a.u-tokyo.ac.jp
  5. 1月10日(金) 発表会 (金)15:00-18:00   持ち時間 30分 (発表20分 質問10分)   18:00以降 懇親会
  6. 1月31日(金) 最終報告書締切日 形式:pdfファイル


Ootsuchi reconstrucion Project

指導教員 黒倉寿・八木信行 Hisashi KUROKURA, Nobuyuki YAGI
概要:被災地の大槌に行き、大槌の復興を妨げている要素を分析し、その解決のための具 体的なプロジェクトを提案する。なお、良い提案ができたら、その後、そのプロ ジェクトを実際に実施してみる可能性もある。

2. 課題:「ベトナムの投棄籾殻を資源利用する方法を探る」
How to change rice husk to resources in Viet Na

指導教官:佐藤・斎藤 Masatoshi SATO and Yukie SAITO
Recently polution in river due to dumped rice husk has been a social problem in Viet Nam. This study aim to find feasible solutions to change rice husk to resources in Viet Nam, among a lot of suggestive research for material/energy recycle of rice husk. For this purpose, this group will also report, interview, discuss and clarify when and why this problem has been created, comparing the case in Japan in the past and present, in order to understand the problem.

3. 課題 「遺伝子組換え作物の導入(その3)(環境浄化をめざしたバイオマス植物編)」
Introduction of genetically modified crops Part 3  Biomass plants for phytoremediation

指導教員:山川 隆 Takashi YAMAKAWA

4. 課題「ナタネとバイディーゼルによる地域活性化」
“Local vitalization through the use of canola and biodiesel.

指導教員:岡田謙介 Kensuke Okada
NPO Biolife at Ryugasaki City in Ibaraki Prefecture is trying a project to produce rapeseed/canola in abandoned fields, based on the concept of biomass-town of the Ministry of Agriculture. In the project, the farmers are producing extra-virgin canola oil as value-added new industry of the town, and transforming the used oil to biodiesel fuel for the use of vehicle and agricultural machinery. The scientists of the National Agricultural Research Center are also collaborating in trying new technologies and testing them under the farm conditions. The new relationship between NPO and local government is also under development. The purpose of this group is to study the farm strategies and the feasibility of the new technologies and propose the future direction of the future direction of the large-scale rice-based system in Japan.

5. 課題「山梨県のワイン用ブドウ生産の活性化」
Activation of group production for wines in Yamanashi Prefecture

指導教員:小林和彦、高橋悌二 Kazuhiko KOBAYASHI, Teiji TAKAHASHI
Recent improvements in quality of Japanese wine have brought the wine boom to Japan. Nevertheless, the grape production for wine has been declining in Japan, particularly in Yamanashi prefecture, which is the traditional and dominant producer of table and wine grapes in Japan. This declining supply of wine grapes despite the rising demand may be attributed to low and fluctuating prices of the grapes, and unreliable purchase behavior of the grapes by wineries. The lowering viability of the ageing farmer population may also contribute to the declining production of the grapes. Wineries, on the other hand, are not prepared for growing wine grapes by themselves taking the risks of the fluctuating harvest, and, hence, they have to rely on the farmers for the supply of the grapes. In this situation, we are seeking for a strategy to achieve the three goals together: raising the wine grape production in Yamanashi, developing the wine production into the so-called 6th industry, and revitalizing the farming community as well as the regional economy.

6. 課題「コメ流通と農機具に関する歴史を調べる」
“Historical survey on rice distribution and agricultural machinery”

指導教員 荒木徹也
使用言語:日本語(調査対象:日本国内の玄米流通) English (Target of survey: rice-chaff-based distribution in Southeast Asian countries)
In Japan, farmers thresh rice by themselves for selling brown rice as a commodity. On the other hand,rice mills thresh rice in other countries. Some intellectuals argue that this seemingly-slight difference was one of the significant factors influencing farmer's social status and technological progress as well as the evolution of modern industry in Japan. This group study investigates whether this argument is correct or not through historical survey on rice distribution and agricultural machinery.

7. 課題「までいな農村計画−飯舘村の再生を考える」
“Heartful rural planning for Iitate Village”

指導教員 溝口勝・林直樹(GCL教員)

昨年度のレポート Last year's Report


Last Update 2013/10/11