農学国際特論T/IPADS Development Studies(グループ調査課題)

Possibility of electronic commerce in fish distribution

指導教員 黒倉寿・八木信行 Hisashi KUROKURA, Nobuyuki YAGI
概要:In fisheries white book in 2012, it was reported that fishers can got only 25% of retail price. This ratio is smaller than the ratio of farmers’ income from retail price of fruits and vegetables (42, 5). This is partially consequence rapidness of quality loss in fisheries products. However, irrational complicate distribution system and single auction system in markets are other possible reasons. If we can construct big market using electronic commerce, we can rationalize the distribution system and introduce double auction system. In this project, we will explore the feasibility of electronic commerce in fish distribution.


2. 課題名:「静岡県の飲料製造品残渣の利活用」
Utilization of byproduct in tea industry in Shizuoka refecture

指導教官:佐藤・斎藤 Masatoshi SATO and Yukie SAITO
使用言語:日本語 Japanese only
概要:静岡県の飲料製造品出荷額は1.1兆円/年で全国第一位(2007年統計)である。飲料残渣はコーヒー14.6万t/年、茶10.7万t/年、果 汁68.3万t/年で、廃棄のための負担は少なくない(県内主要10社で三億円/年)。これら飲料残渣由来の地域バイオマスの特徴を活かし、経済性・環境性に優れた利活用システムの構築が望まれる。この課題では、付加価値の高い化成品、新素材開発、エネルギー回収システムなどのバイオマス高度利用技術の開発の可能性について検討し提案をおこなう。

3. 課題 「遺伝子組換え作物の導入(その2)(花卉編)」
Introduction of genetically modified crops Part 2 Flowers

指導教員:山川 隆 Takashi YAMAKAWA
使用言語:日本語 Japanese Only

4. 課題「土地利用型ナタネの栽培と油利用(高付加価値・バイディーゼル)による地域活性化」
“Cultivation of oil crop (rapeseed) and its utilization for value addition and biodiesel for local vitalization

指導教員:岡田謙介 Kensuke Okada
使用言語:英語 English
Ushiku City in Ibaraki Prefecture is trying a project to produce rapeseed/canola in abandoned fields over 10 ha in the city in collaboration with Asaza Foundation (NPO), based on the concept of biomass-town of the Ministry of Agriculture. In the project, the farmers are producing extra-virgin canola oil as value-added new industry of the town, and transforming the used oil to biodiesel fuel for the use of vehicle and agricultural machinery. The scientists of the National Agricultural Research Center are also collaborating in trying new technologies and testing them under the farm conditions. The new relationship between NPO and local government is also under development. The purpose of this group is to study the farm strategies and the feasibility of the new technologies and propose the future direction of the future direction of the large-scale rice-based system in Japan.

5. 課題「日本の中小ワイナリーによるアジア市場への輸出市場開拓」
Development of access to Asian market of wines produced by Japan’s small and medium size wineries

指導教員:小林和彦、高橋悌二 Kazuhiko KOBAYASHI, Teiji TAKAHASHI
使用言語:英語 English
概要:日本のワインの品質は、近年著しく改善されてきており、ヨーロッパ諸国への輸出に引き続き、アジア市場への輸出が最近始まっている。これらの諸国にもワイン文化が浸透し始めていることから、個人当たりのワインの消費量はまだ少ないものの、ワインの消費量は今後増加していくものとみられている。  この機会を捉え、地域経済活動の維持と発展に貢献する中小のワイナリーのアジア市場への輸出プロジェクトを検討することとし、ターゲットとする輸出市場を絞り込み、乗り越えるべき困難と輸出の条件を確認し、また、生産し、輸出すべきワインのタイプなどを決定するプロジェクトを提案する。
Development of access to Asian market of wines produced by Japan’s small and medium size wineries
The quality of Japan’s wine has been remarkably improved. Its export to Asian market has recently begun, following the export to European countries. The consumption of wine in Asian countries is expected to grow, since the wine culture has started, while per capita consumption is limited at the moment. Taking this opportunity, a project shall be proposed for Japan’s small and medium size wineries, which actually contribute to the viability of regional economic activities, to identify markets to be targeted, to analyze conditions and difficulties to be overcome, as well as to determine the suitable product types to be produced, and exported.

6. 課題「ボランティアで研究はできるのか?」
“Can we conduct researches as volunteers?”

指導教員 溝口勝
使用言語:日本語 Japanese only
Can we research as a volunteer?
Despite Iidate Village, Fukushima Prefecture have been designated a planned evacuation of the area, local farmers and weekend volunteer researchers are working together to find its own way. Why do they continue their own activities different from Government? This task is to interview researchers who participate in activities, and to consider the current state of overall project.


「ベナンにおける研究研修」   Research Training in Benin
JIRCAS 主催「平成24 年度国際共同研究人材育成推進・支援事業(短期派遣)」


Last Update 2013/2/4