農学国際特論T(グループ調査課題)2014/IPADS Development Studies(Group work 2014)

English 2013

Schedule in winter semester:
14:50-16:30 on Friday

  1. Oct.10 Fri, Guidance (Grouping)
  2. Oct.17 Fri, Special lecture by NTC International Corporation.
  3. Dec.26 Fri, Deadline of draft report
  4. Jan. 7 Thu, Deadline of group report to report@iai.ga.a.u-tokyo.ac.jp
  5. Jan. 9 Fri, 13:00-16:30 Presentation (20-min presentation + 10-min Q&A, in English)
  6. Jan.30 Fri, Deadline of final report

Topics (Tentative)

Fukushima Fisheries Revitalization Project
黒倉寿・八木信行 Hisashi KUROKURA, Nobuyuki YAGI

The purpose of this project is to provide innovative proposals to help revitalize Fukushima fishery. In Fukushima, significant damage has been caused by the large-scale release of radioactive substances from the Fukushima Dai-ichi Nuclear Power Plant. On 15 March 2011, fishers in Fukushima voluntarily stopped fishing operations in the waters inside of Fukushima Prefecture. From March 2011 to June 2012, all commercial fishing activities in Fukushima waters were suspended. During this period, various governmental institutes collected and analyzed samples of marine organisms and released information on levels of radioactive substances. In June 2012, the Fukushima Prefectural Federation of Fisheries Cooperative Associations decided a limited resumption of fishing activities. But the challenge exists on weak consumer confidence following the accident at the Fukushima nuclear power plant. The proposals to be discussed in this study must be reasonably practicable and address the issues of the weak consumer confidence. The proposal can be presented to Fukushima fishermen or other stakeholders hopefully to receive their feedbacks.

Revitalizing rural areas in Japan with wine-grape production on abandoned fields
小林和彦、高橋梯二, Kazuhiko KOBAYASHI and Teiji TAKAHASHI

In recent years, Japanese wine has gained increased popularity among the consumers for its remarkably improved quality along with their special characters. Nevertheless, the share of Japanese wine stays at only about 6% of the total wine supply in Japan due to the constraint of declining production of wine grapes in Japan. Against this situation, both large and small wineries have started growing wine grapes on abandoned fields, whose area has been increasing due to the declining rural population. It has indeed been shown that good quality grapes can be harvested in the fields formerly planted to mulberries and apples. The wine grape production could therefore offer an opportunity for saving rural communities from further declines in economy and societal integrity. This project aims at revitalization of rural areas in Japan by increasing wine grape production on abandoned or idle fields. Participants will join field trips and conduct document surveys to first understand the current situations and critical issues of wine grape production in Japan. They will then attend discussion meetings and come up with a report proposing solutions to attain the goal along with necessary technological and institutional interventions.

3.不忍池の自然再生計画 Nature restoration project of Shinobazu pond
山川隆 Takashi YAMAKAWA

不忍池は上野公園の中では自然の残ったところで、訪れる人々の憩いの地となっているが、土砂堆積、水質悪化、外来生物の繁殖などが問題になっている。不忍池とその周辺の環境修復はどのようにしたら良いか、調査して提案する。 (言語は日本語・英語)
Shinobazu pond is located in Ueno Park. This area still remains a lot of natural environment, and this is a place for relaxation and refreshment for people in Tokyo. However, it became an object of public concern by silting up, water quality deterioration, and increase of introduced species. The purpose of this project is to provide a proposal to restore the natural environment of Shinobazu pond by field and bibliographic survey and group discussion. (Japanese and English)

Heartful rural planning for Iitate Village 2014: a software to visit a grave from a remote place
溝口勝・林直樹(東大GCL), Masaru MIZOGUCHI and Naoki HAYASHI

As for restoration of Iitate village, we focus on visiting a grave, which maintains a sense of belonging to one’s hometown. For evacuees of Iitate village, we will make a software to visit a grave from a remote place. In addition, we can use data (e.g., pictures and temperatures) from a field device for observation.(Japanese)

5.持続可能な未来について考える :Thinking sustainable future
荒木徹也, Tetsuya ARAKI

10/24(金)に日本冷凍空調学会が開催する若手技術者研修会に参加することが必須。 同研修会のチームディスカッション成果を踏まえ、持続可能な未来について提言する。
This group work requires your attendance at the seminar for young engineers which will be held by the Japan Society of Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Engineers on Oct 24 (Fri). Based on the team discussion results in the seminar, you will propose your ideas about sustainable future.

6.「地油」の魅力 Attractiveness of local food oil "Jiabura" production
岡田謙介 Kensuke OKADA

食用油は食の必須要素です。油は心臓疾患をはじめとする現代の成人病にも密接 に関わっており、良い油を摂取することは健康に結びついているといえましょ う。大手食品会社によって製造される油はさまざまな問題も持っています。食用 油の加工は比較的シンプルなものであり、地域で食用油(ヒマワリ、ナタネ)を 生産して油として加工することは、地域のさまざまな人々を結びつける地域活性 化にも結びつく事業として日本各地で注目されています。本プロジェクトでは、 関東地域でヒマワリ油生産の先導的役割を果たしつつある茨城県東部の行方市の プロジェクトに取材をし、そのプロジェクト改善のための提案を行うことを目的 としています。2回程度の現地調査、グループ討議、提案書の執筆が主な活動 で、すべて英語で行います。
Edible oil is an essential component of human diet. It is known to be related to various contemporary adult diseases such as cardiovascular disorders. Thus, consuming high quality oil is a key to maintaining good health. The oil produced by major food processing company has several inherent problems. In fact, oil extraction and refining are the relatively simple processes. And introducing oil production into the rural communities are now drawing wide attention as a venture to connect various local actors leading to the vitalization of the local communities. The purpose of this group activity is to conduct a case study at a farmers’group in Namegata-city (80 km from Tokyo), which is playing the leading role of oil production in Kanto area, and to formulate a proposal to make the project more effective. Around two field visits, group discussion and finalization of the proposal are the key activities. All the activities are conducted in English.

2014 report  2013 report 2012 report


Last Update 2015/2/3