農学国際特論T(グループ調査課題)2015/IPADS Development Studies(Group work 2015)

English 2014 2013
Schedule in A1-A2 semester

14:55-16:40 on Friday

  1. Sep.18 Fri, Guidance (Grouping)
  2. Sep.25 Fri, Special lecture by NTC International Corporation.
  3. Oct.9 Fri, Presentation on research action plan before comments by professionals (10-min presentation + 5-min Q&A)
  4. Dec.11 Fri,Deadline of draft report to advisors
  5. Dec.18 Fri,14:55-18:35 Presentation (20-min presentation + 10-min Q&A, in English), Score sheet
  6. Dec.25 Fri, Deadline of final report to


Challenges and solutions of the geographical indication in Japanese wine production
小林和彦、橋 梯二, Kazuhiko KOBAYASHI and Teiji TAKAHASHI

The Standard of the Geographical Indication (GI) for agricultural products will be adopted around October in this year. The GI has played a critical role in maintaining and improving the quality of wine in Europe and USA, whereas in Japan it may pose challenges to the wine industry particularly the production of Japan Wine (wine made from 100% Japan grapes). This is because the wine making in Japan is still at the developing stage, and the grapes are produced under the natural and societal environments that are quite different from those in the major wine-producing countries.
The objectives of this project are to locate the challenges of the GI system for the Japanese wine industry, and to find the ways to take advantages of the GI system for promotion of Japan Wine. We will first learn about the GI system that is to be adopted in Japan and compare it with the equivalent systems in other countries, such as Europe and USA. We will also learn from the past reports on the various challenges of the Japanese wine industry. We then conduct interviews with those producing Japan Wine as well as those in charge of GI system applications. We will finally write a report for the major actors on the challenges and the solutions.

Gift ecology and urban permaculture
宮沢佳恵, Kae Miyazawa

Permaculture is the design of sustainable life by integrating traditional sustainable system and modern technology and information, and has been practiced in various countries. The practice of permaculture in urban is relatively new and such practice is ongoing in various forms. This project deals with one of such forms, called “gift ecology”. We will visit a site in Kunitachi City, “Alumonde”, where a student launched a project to practice this gift ecology concept. We will conduct interviews and discussions to understand the essence of such practice, and also design an original project of gift ecology.

Heartful rural planning for Iitate Village 2015: Flower garden plan using ICT in an agricultural field after decontamination
溝口勝・林直樹(東大GCL)・石渡尚之(東大GCL院生), Masaru MIZOGUCHI, Naoki HAYASHI, Naoyuki Ishiwata

参考動画"The Rebirth of Fukushima"
Iitate village is one of areas which have been suffered from a serious accident of Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant because of its radioactive contamination.We have discussed restoration of Iitate village since 2012 in this series of group works. Last year, we focused on a culture of "visiting a grave", which is thought to maintain a sense of belonging to one’s hometown. For evacuees from Iitate village, we made an app which provides a virtual experience to visit a grave in Iitate village from outside of Iitate village using remote data like pictures and temperatures which is gained from a field monitoring device.
In this year, we will visit a man who decides to live in his house in Iitate village in spite of the evacuation instruction from government. He likes flowers, so he has been planting a lot kind of flowers and trees like rose, cherry blossoms, narcissus,etc. Internet infrastructure is available in the field around his house by the support of a NPO. In this group work, we will think about sustainable way to keep his agricutural field as a flower garden using ICT. We will vist Iitate village in this group work.
See this movie "The Rebirth of Fukushima" for additional information.

Utilization of byproduct in beverage industry in Shizuoka Prefecture
佐藤雅俊・斎藤幸恵 Masatoshi SATO and Yukie SAITO


The Shizuoka prefecture has the highest beverage shipment in Japan. For the companies disposal cost for the solid waste production is problem. This group will aim to suggest ideas for the resource use of byproduct in beverage industry in Shizuoka area.

Revitalization of Fukushima Fisheries
黒倉寿・八木信行 Hisashi KUROKURA, Nobuyuki YAGI

The purpose of this project is to provide innovative proposals to help revitalize Fukushima fishery. In Fukushima, significant damage has been caused by the large-scale release of radioactive substances from the Fukushima Dai-ichi Nuclear Power Plant. On 15 March 2011, fishers in Fukushima voluntarily stopped fishing operations in the waters inside of Fukushima Prefecture. From March 2011 to June 2012, all commercial fishing activities in Fukushima waters were suspended. During this period, various governmental institutes collected and analyzed samples of marine organisms and released information on levels of radioactive substances. In June 2012, the Fukushima Prefectural Federation of Fisheries Cooperative Associations decided a limited resumption of fishing activities. But the challenge exists on weak consumer confidence following the accident at the Fukushima nuclear power plant. The proposals to be discussed in this study must be reasonably practicable and address the issues of the weak consumer confidence. The proposal can be presented to Fukushima fishermen or other stakeholders hopefully to receive their feedbacks.

Small-scale and diversified agriculture, the strategy and challenges of an agricultural cooperation at Tsuchiura
岡田謙介 Kensuke Okada

 日本の今後の農業の方向性はどうあるべきか? 茨城県土浦市にある久松農園 は、大規模農園ではできない「弱者」の農業戦略として、小規模だが他品目の野 菜を栽培し、そのおいしさを消費者につたえるとともに、多品目セット販売で付 加価値を高め、消費者や小規模飲食店とつながることによって、持続的な経営を 可能にしている。この農業経営体の戦略を理解し、今後の日本農業のありかたに ついて提言を行うことをめざす。
What is the future direction of the Japanese agriculture? Hisamatsu Farm at Tsuchiura, Ibaraki, is producing various vegetables in small scale as the strategy of small but strong agricultural cooperation, which cannot be followed by large-scale cooperation. The farm is also developing direct contact with consumers and small restaurants and successfully operating sustainable production. We will try to understand the strategy by visiting the farm and prepare the proposal for the Farm and the Japanese farms in general.

2014 report  2013 report 2012 report

農学国際専攻  IPADS

Last Update 2015/12/18