Messages from Araki Lab Graduates (Daniel Pramudita) were updated. He is a graduate of IPADS Master course and an academic assistant at the Department of Chemical Engineering, Bandung Institute of Technology, Indonesia. As a recipient of the scholarship provided by Indonesia Endowment Fund for Education (LPDP, in Indonesian), he will go to the Ph.D. course in Otto Von Guericke University (OVGU) of Magdeburg, Germany, to work under supervision of Prof. Evangelos Tsotsas, who is an expert in field of drying.
Messages from Araki Lab Graduates (Daniel Pramudita) were updated.
Daniel’s update #1
Hi there! It has been 2 years since I graduated from the IPADS of The University of Tokyo. After leaving Araki’s Lab I returned to Bogor Agricultural University and helped my former supervisor, Prof. Armansyah, and friends do their researches. Well, it was more like I studied again than I really gave them. Some have now graduated from the bachelor and master programs, and some are still in the final year of Ph.D. I believe they are all doing well, especially since I know how capable Prof. Armansyah is. We had some hectic schedule at the end of the year, as we had to finish much paperwork required for research reports. I got a precious experience of how troublesome and tricky conducting research at a university in Indonesia could be. After spending about 6 months there, I got an offer from Department of Chemical Engineering, Bandung Institute of Technology, for a position of the so called “academic assistant”, which is a role of junior faculty member that is not yet given a status of full-time faculty member and It is much more like a structured trial and internship for a …
Tetsuya Araki (Associate Professor)
Fields of expertise Study of Indonesia, Japan-Asia Studies Program, Food Sociology, Food science, Food engineering, Food distribution engineering, International cooperation. Affiliation Associate Professor, International Agro-Informatics Laboratory, Department of Global Agricultural Sciences Faculty member of Network for Education and Research on Asia Biography 1996 Bachelor degree: Agricultural Engineering Course, Faculty of Agriculture, The University of Tokyo 1997 Overseas education: Bogor Agriculture University (Indonesia) 1999 Master degree: Department of Biological and Environmental Engineering, Graduate School of Agriculture and Life Sciences, The University of Tokyo 2000 Research fellow of the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (DC2) 2002 Junior fellow for Nippon Foundation Asia fellowship 2003 Research fellow of the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (PD) 2005 Assistant professor: International Agro-Informatics Laboratory, Department of Global Agricultural Sciences, Graduate School of Agriculture and Life Sciences, The University of Tokyo 2010 Associate professor: International Agro-Informatics Laboratory, Department of Global Agricultural Sciences, Graduate School of Agriculture and Life Sciences, The University of Tokyo
Hiroshi Nabetani (Professor in collaboration with the Department)
Fields of expertise Food engineering, Membrane separation engineering Affiliation National Agriculture and Food Research Organization, National Food Research Institute Biography 1984 Bachelor degree: Department of Agricultural Mechanics, Agricultural Engineering Course, Faculty of Agriculture, The University of Tokyo 1984 Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries of Japan, Assigned to Food Engineering Division, National Food Research Institute 1999 Senior Program Officer, Secretariat of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries Research Council 2000 International Research Division, Secretariat of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries Research Council 2002 Laboratory head, Reaction and Separation Engineering Lab, Food Engineering Division, National Food Research Institute 2006 Laboratory head, Reaction and Separation Engineering Lab, Food Engineering Division, National Food Research Institute, National Agriculture and Food Research Organization 2009 Cooperation and Coordination Section, Department of Planning and General Administration, National Food Research Institute, National Agriculture and Food Research Organization
Jackie (Ph.D. course)
Research:Quality of Frozen Storage of Durian (Durio zibethinus Murray) Pulp Durian (Durio zibethinus Murr.) is a native and highly priced fruit in Southeast Asia due to its seasonality, unique smell, taste and texture. Because of its seasonality, freezing is one of the means to preserve the excess supply and provide durian during off-seasons. Moreover, it contributes to the reduction of the bulk nature of the fruit and concealing its unique but strong and aroma during shipping and distribution. Freezing is well known for keeping the quality of foods at a longer period, however, there are still quality concerns associated with it depending on the type and characteristics of the commodity. In frozen storage of fruits, studies have been reported for the quality changes related to the chemical and physicochemical properties, texture, color, and volatile profiles. In durian, limited information is provided for the quality changes in the frozen and thawed durian hence, this study is carried out as my Ph. D study. Publication: Tagubase, J.L.J., Ueno, S., Yoshie, Y., and Araki, T. 2016. Effect of Freezing and Thawing on the Quality of Durian (Durio zibethinus Murray) Pulp. Transactions of the …
Xueting Ma
Master course student, 2nd grade Research Theme: Suchuan cuisine
Hsiuming Liu
Master course student, 2nd grade Research Theme: Effects of high pressure processing on the quality of green tea leaves
Xilin Zhang
Master course student, 2nd grade (IPADS; International Program in Agricultural Development Studies)
Mayu Hosoe
Master course student, 1st grade
Shiro Noguchi
Undergraduate student, 4th grade