
NARO Food Research Division’s Lecture Meeting 2016

11/03/2016 The Food Research Division of National Agriculture and Food Research Organization (NARO) annually holds a exhibition to release all the research outcomes of 100 researchers in the division publicly and widely by poster presentations. The exhibition was held on November 2 this year as usual (See the link (in Japanese)). One thing which is different from what happens in usual years is I am the moderator of the lecture meeting  co-hosted by the Food Research Division of NARO and Japan Society of Refrigerating and Air Conditioning Engineers (JSRAE) (See the link (in Japanese)). The meeting started at 1 pm and during the 2-hour meeting, firstly Prof. Manabu Watanabe gave an opening address as the chairperson of the food business committee in JSRAE, followed by the introduction of the Food Research Division of NARO by the division head, Dr. Hiroshi Nabetani, who is also the professor in collaboration with the Department of Global Agricultural Science in The University of Tokyo that I belong to.  Then three lectures were given by three unit heads: 1) Dr. Masayasu Nagata on the method of quality evaluation for fresh produce; 2) Dr. Kazutaka Yamamoto on …

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Image analysis of bread crumb structure in relation to mechanical properties.

Shibata, M., Tsuta, M., Sugiyama, J., Fujita, K., Kokawa, M., Araki, T., & Nabetani, H. (in press). Image analysis of bread crumb structure in relation to mechanical properties. International Journal of Food Engineering. http://www.degruyter.com/view/j/ijfe.2013.9.issue-1/ijfe-2012-0163/ijfe-2012-0163.xml

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Package design of ready-to-drink coffee beverages based on food kansei model—Effects of straw and cognition terms on consumer’s pleasantness.

Akiyama, M., Tatsuzaki, M., Michishita, T., Ichiki, T., Sumi, M., Ikeda, M., Araki, T., & Sagara, Y. (2012). Package design of ready-to-drink coffee beverages based on food kansei model—Effects of straw and cognition terms on consumer’s pleasantness. Food and Bioprocess Technology, 5(5), 1924-1938.

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