農学国際特論T(グループ調査課題)2016/IPADS Case Studies (Group work 2016)

English 2015 2014 2013 2012

Course Objectives

The educational mission of the Department of Global Agricultural Sciences is to develop human resources with an ability to link academics, policymakers and industrial practitioners. In particular, the Department has the following three principles for education and research.

(1) Issue orientation

We recognize that a deep understanding of agricultural issues around the world is an important part of academic research, and therefore place an emphasis on on-field activities. Through basic and applied sciences both, we foster students' capacity to identify and define the issue, capture the underlying cause of the issue, and solve the issue.

(2) Transdisciplinarity

Rather than being confined to a single discipline, we encourage students to acquire techniques which allow theme to integrate tools and findings from various fields of research. While offering world-class training in each student's specialty area, we actively encourage students to acquire knowledge and skills in sub-disciplines that are complementary to their major so that they can be employable, for example, as competent project leaders who can moderate multidisciplinary discussions.

(3) Global scope

As an academic leader in the Asia Pacific region, we conduct research fostering international cooperation and development. Moreover, we choose issues of global importance as our research topics and offer concrete solutions to them. Rather than focusing on site-specific knowledge, we teach skills from a broad spectrum of disciplines that are applicable worldwide.

Teaching Methods
  1. Select a groups from the topic list
  2. Make a plan discussing with group members
  3. Perform problem-solving research
  4. Write a group report
  5. Make presentation

Method of Evaluation

Based on total point of “Evaluation sheet in Group work” which is filled out by each student and supervisor. Evaluation item are management, implementation, analysis, writing, presentation and etc. in your group report.

Schedule in A1-A2 semester (14:55-16:40 on Friday)

  1. Oct.7 Fri, Guidance (Grouping)
  2. Oct.14 Fri, Special lecture by Mr. Yukio Yokoi, former senior staff of Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO).
  3. Oct.28 Fri, Presentation on research action plan before comments by professionals (10-min presentation + 5-min Q&A)
  4. Jan.6 Fri, Deadline of draft report to advisors
  5. Jan.13 Fri,14:55-18:35 Presentation (20-min presentation + 10-min Q&A, in English), Score sheet
  6. Jan.20 Fri, Deadline of final report to


Urban permaculture in practice
宮沢佳恵, Kae Miyazawa

Permaculture is the design of sustainable life by integrating traditional sustainable system and modern technology and information, and has been practiced in various countries. The practice of "urban" permaculture is relatively new and such practice is ongoing in various forms. We will visit a site “Gokan-no-mori”(reference: Zushi, Kanagawa. This is a kindergarten, where they use the concept and design of permaculture. We will conduct interviews and discussions to understand the essence of such practice, and also design an original project of urban permaculture in Yayoi campus.

Heartful rural planning for Iitate Village 2016: Flower garden plan using ICT in an agricultural field after decontamination
溝口勝,までいラボ Masaru Mizoguchi, Madei-Lab

 福島原発事故により避難を余儀なくされた福島県飯舘村の復興に関わるグループワークである。 避難指示を受けながらも村の自宅に帰って生活する決断をした方(大久保さん)がいる。大久保さんは「この土地に誰もが忘れられない花の風景を作りたい」、「お世話になった方々に恩返しをしたい」という思いを持っている。このグループワークでは、大久保さんの土地を対象地とし、花園としての農地利用について考える。 昨年度は実際に現地に出向き、デザインを考え、提案した。現在は花園完成に向けて進んでいるところだが、多くの課題が残されている。今年は、去年の取り組みを踏まえ、花園が抱える課題を ICT を用いて解決し、完成に向けて貢献する。 12/3(土),4(日)に、飯舘村合宿を 行う予定である。
参考動画"The Rebirth of Fukushima"
The group work is about rehabilitation of Iitate village in Fukushima prefecture after The Great East Japan Earthquake in 2011. Okubo-san, a man living in the village despite the evacuation instruction, wants to start a flower garden in Iitate. He wants to express his gratitude for all the help given after the disaster, by creating an unforgettable symbol of rehabilitation in the village. Objective of this group work is to support Okubo-san fulfilling the dream. Last year, design proposal of the garden was delivered by students, and based on the given ideas, he has already started preparation. However there still remains a lot needed to be solved. This year, students are asked to choose and solve a problem of the garden and contribute to its completion. Field trip to Fukushima is scheduled on 12/3-4 to provide a presentation to Okubo-san.
See this movie "The Rebirth of Fukushima" for additional information.

Utilization of byproduct in food and beverage industry in Shizuoka Prefecture
佐藤雅俊・斎藤幸恵 Masatoshi SATO and Yukie SAITO

The Shizuoka prefecture has the highest beverage shipment in Japan. For the companies disposal cost for the solid waste production is problem. This group will aim to suggest ideas for the resource use by combining byproducts in food and beverage industry in Shizuoka area.

Sustainable sourcing for food and other products at Olympic games
八木信行 Nobuyuki YAGI

A code on sustainable sourcing for food and other products for Olympic games was set for London (2012) and Rio de Janeiro (2016) games. Fir instance, a benchmark standard for the London Olympic games for fishery products was “all fish demonstrably sustainable with all wild-caught fish meeting the FAO Code of Conduct for Responsible Fisheries….” "Products that are ethically traded/sources” were also mentioned. The study group in this course is expected to explore the backgrounds of these movements in London and Rio through literature survey or other methods and to present recommendations for Tokyo Olympic in 2020. The recommendations, if appropriate, can be posted on line through the website of my laboratory.

Small-scale and diversified agriculture, the strategy and challenges of an agricultural cooperation at Tsuchiura
岡田謙介 Kensuke Okada

 日本の今後の農業の方向性はどうあるべきか? 茨城県土浦市にある久松農園 は、大規模農園ではできない「弱者」の農業戦略として、小規模だが他品目の野 菜を栽培し、そのおいしさを消費者につたえるとともに、多品目セット販売で付 加価値を高め、消費者や小規模飲食店とつながることによって、持続的な経営を 可能にしている。この農業経営体の戦略を理解し、今後の日本農業のありかたに ついて提言を行うことをめざす。
What is the future direction of the Japanese agriculture? Hisamatsu Farm at Tsuchiura, Ibaraki, is producing various vegetables in small scale as the strategy of small but strong agricultural cooperation, which cannot be followed by large-scale cooperation. The farm is also developing direct contact with consumers and small restaurants and successfully operating sustainable production. We will try to understand the strategy by visiting the farm and prepare the proposal for the Farm and the Japanese farms in general.

6.その他 Others
? ?

This is a group that you want to make theme and conduct by yourself.

Report (2015, 2014, 2013, 2012)

農学国際専攻  IPADS

Last Update 2016/10/7