Tagubase, J. L., Ueno, S., Yoshie, Y., and Araki, T. 2016. Effect of freezing and thawing on the quality of durian (Durio zibethinus Murray) pulp ⇒_pdf ⇒J-STAGE Transactions of the Japan Society of Refrigerating and Air Conditioning Engineers 33: 267-272. (査読有) Summary The effect of freezing, and iced and hot water thawing on the quality of durian pulp was investigated. Mature durian pulp was removed with seeds, vacuum-packed, and frozen at -20°C. Thawing in iced water (~0°C) and hot water (~90°C) was then applied and the quality of the pulp was assessed based on physicochemical properties (pH, moisture content, soluble solids concentration (SSC), color, sugar content (sucrose, glucose, and fructose), and organic acid content (succinic acid and citric acid ), texture and smell profile. Overall, the freezing and thawing conditions, particularly the hot water thawing, posed an effect to the moisture content, color, and smell profile of the durian pulp. A significant increase in the moisture content, as well as a decrease in the color brightness was observed. Furthermore, the hot water-thawing process also induced slight variation to the smell attribute and strength of the entirety of smell. Although the …