Kokawa, M., Sugiyama, J., Tsuta, M., Yoshimura, M., Fujita, K., Shibata, M., Araki, T., Nabetani, H., Fluorescence fingerprint imaging of gluten and starch in wheat flour dough with consideration of total constituent ratio, Food Science and Technology Research (in press) https://www.jstage.jst.go.jp/article/fstr/19/6/19_933/_article
Fluorescence fingerprint imaging of gluten and starch in wheat flour dough with consideration of total constituent ratio
Development of a Novel Staining Procedure for Visualizing the Gluten–Starch Matrix in Bread Dough and Cereal Products.
Maeda, T., Kokawa, M., Miura, M., Araki, T., Yamada, M., Takeya, K., Sagara, Y. (2013). Development of a Novel Staining Procedure for Visualizing the Gluten–Starch Matrix in Bread Dough and Cereal Products. Cereal Chemistry Journal, 90(3), 175-180.

TOPICS : April 2013 Araki-lab members
2013 Araki-lab members

TOPICS : March 2013 Farewell party
Farewell party
Development of a Quantitative Visualization Technique for Gluten in Dough Using Fluorescence Fingerprint Imaging.
Kokawa, M., Sugiyama, J., Tsuta, M., Yoshimura, M., Fujita, K., Shibata, M., Araki, T., Nabetani, H. (2012). Development of a Quantitative Visualization Technique for Gluten in Dough Using Fluorescence Fingerprint Imaging. Food and Bioprocess Technology.
Yield and physicochemical properties of mechanically extracted crude Jatropha curcas L oil.
Tambunan AH, Situmorang JP, Silip JJ, Joelianingsih A, and Araki T (2012). Yield and physicochemical properties of mechanically extracted crude Jatropha curcas L oil. Biomass and Bioenergy 43, 12-17.
Package design of ready-to-drink coffee beverages based on food kansei model—Effects of straw and cognition terms on consumer’s pleasantness.
Akiyama, M., Tatsuzaki, M., Michishita, T., Ichiki, T., Sumi, M., Ikeda, M., Araki, T., & Sagara, Y. (2012). Package design of ready-to-drink coffee beverages based on food kansei model—Effects of straw and cognition terms on consumer’s pleasantness. Food and Bioprocess Technology, 5(5), 1924-1938.
A PTR-MS-Based Protocol for Simulating Bread Aroma During Mastication.
Onishi, M., Inoue, M., Araki, T., Iwabuchi, H., & Sagara, Y. (2012). A PTR-MS-Based Protocol for Simulating Bread Aroma During Mastication. Food and Bioprocess Technology, 5(4), 1228-1237.
Changes in the Texture and Viscoelastic Properties of Bread Containing Rice Porridge during Storage.
Tsai, C. L., Sugiyama, J., Shibata, M., Kokawa, M., Fujita, K., Tsuta, M., Nabetani, H., & Araki, T. (2012). Changes in the Texture and Viscoelastic Properties of Bread Containing Rice Porridge during Storage. Bioscience Biotechnology and Biochemistry, 76(2), 331-335.
Quantification of the distributions of gluten, starch and air bubbles in dough at different mixing stages by fluorescence fingerprint imaging.
Kokawa, M., Fujita, K., Sugiyama, J., Tsuta, M., Shibata, M., Araki, T., & Nabetani, H. (2012). Quantification of the distributions of gluten, starch and air bubbles in dough at different mixing stages by fluorescence fingerprint imaging. Journal of Cereal Science, 55(1), 15-21.